Monday, April 26, 2010

New Creation

Today became a celebration of creation. A long anticipated kid was born -- the four legged kind. While we have two other nannies ready to deliver in the next week or so, this pregnancy turned out to be a difficult one for the mother. In the latter stages of the pregnancy, the nanny goat could not utilize one of her hind legs. The last couple of weeks were heart wrenching watching her slowly make her way around the pasture. This morning a little female goat was born. The baby is doing well. Mom is still moving slowly. I will attempt to become more adept at the blog and actually add a photo of her next week.

The celebration continued with the Bucket List Coffee group heading to Kalona for a day of cinnamon rolls, a plethora of plants and lunch at the local restaurant. It was a marvelous day to be out searching for flowers, shrubs and hanging baskets.

I have received a number of verbal responses concerning last week's sermon. Most came from couples practicing caressing touch: hand holding, hugging, a squeeze of the arm. It is amazing how paying attention to this aspect of our lives pays such big dividends in our relationships.

Continuing on the journey,


Monday, April 19, 2010

What Did You Say?

This morning I was walking through the entryway in our church. I said, "Hi," to a child putting away her book bag in the appropriate bin. I started a conversation.... she wanted to continue it. Actually I wasn't starting a conversation in my mind. I was simply saying hello to another person. It is like when we ask loved ones and strangers the same question, "How are you?" The socially accepted response is, "Fine thank you." Periodically someone breeches the politically correct response and shares honestly and openly.

I have had a number of responses to yesterday's sermon on Highly Effective Dating Habits. Most comments centered on my illustration about how often we employ inactive listening with our spouses, children and friends. It is easy to respond at the periodic pauses of some else's soliloquy with responses of "mmm", "right", "yes".

Today I got to practice what I preached. This child engaged me in a conversatation. I stopped what I was doing and turned around and actively listened. She had a story she wanted to tell. I needed to be taught.

On the journey,

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Getting Ready

Hearing the vision read responsively on Sunday filled my heart with great joy. God is sending a fresh wind of fire of the Holy Spirit at the church. It was heartening to see the ministry board in the entryway begin to fill up with expressions , of ministries lived out daily was wonderful. Having someone in the congregation be so moved by the Spirit, that she began writing a new ministry plan during service for a much unders-served part of our population. In case you are wondering, that is her story to tell! She will be up front soon with her testimony. God's moving within our church and our broader community. How exciting to be part of the congregation at this time.

On another note, I am in the process of implementing the first stages of a disaster preparedness plan within the East Central district. Clergy throughout our district are invited to attend one of six sub-district groups taking place over the next six weeks. They will hear an overview, as well as receive a packet of information... and yes, forms to be completed. On June 12th from 9-1, the District Preparedness team has asked all of our district churches to send 1-2 representatives to a UMCOR workshop titled, Connecting Neighbors. We will collect the forms to help organize a more unified response when disaster strikes. Each church has unique gifts, equipment and laity that can get mobilized quickly when we do our prep work. If you are interested in serving on this team, please contact the church office. I'm excited about what God is doing in our midst.

What a great day!


Monday, April 5, 2010

Resurrection Hope

I love Easter at our church! From the dawn breaking over the smoky fire to the ringing of the church bell announcing, Christ is Risen. I heartily agreed with Todd Hilmer's joy that the church was humming with energy. I saw the servant hearts of members working hard to find and st up every seat available. I'm not sure I even said Happy Easter to Andrew Walker prior to askng him to help set up more seats.

The Holy Spirit moved throughout the morning. I am grateful to belong to this community of believers. God is good.