Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lacking A Bit

I am lacking a bit when it comes to the consistency of my blogging. I will endeavor to do better.

Annual Conference concluded yesterday in a new location, Des Moines. I am grateful to all of the people that work on the legislation so it is ready to discuss in Conference. While I think it is important to think theologically upon these matters and in the larger setting, I am truly thankful for the brothers and sisters in Christ that set fingers to keyboard.

A possible change that perhaps was not evident on the surface deals with the Wesley Foundations on four campuses: U of I, ISU, UNI and Drake. With a $900,000 budget at stake for the campus ministries, the door was opened for the Wesley Foundations to not be fully funded. Like area churches, the AC must work to balance its budget too. Hard decisions. This will be something to follow for those with college students.

With limited debate, immigration reform was discussed. As a people who proclaim radical hospitality from the Old Testament forward, we struggled to hear one another at times.

Coming soon -- a photo organizational chart.

On the journey,

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