Monday, March 21, 2011


My week-long southern tour visiting family drew to a close last night. It was relaxing, fun and restful. I can't remember the last time I was able to sleep in after 8 AM so many days. Doug and I spent time in the homes of my adult nieces and nephews. I want to be the type of aunt who continues to track with them throughout their growing up years. Doug worked on home repair projects with spouses, while I connected in deeper conversations than are possible at Christmas. It felt good to be with family.

I realize that God give's us our church family in much the same way. I have the privilege of being in intimate conversations where tears and laughter are common. I forget what a privilege it is to be in community, one with another. It is powerful. While it was great to take a step back and refresh my soul this past week, it felt good to come home.

I hope you find time in this day to stop, breathe deeply and take in the moment.

On the journey,

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ash Wednesday or Thereabouts

It is hard to believe we have already travelled from Christmas to the beginning of Lent. A season of reflection in the midst of our lives is an important annual journey. If you want to read a great, simple reflection on Lent, return to the homepage and scrolldown to the lower right hand corner and click on "Want to know more about Lent?". It's a fast read but offers good insight.

The smudge of the cross mingled with the woody scent of the burnt palm leaves brings home how quickly journeys move from "Gloria in excelsis Deo" to "Hosanna" to "Crucify." I feel exposed with the dark stain of the cross marking me on my forehead. I have given voice to all three expressions at various points along the way. The Lenten pathway helps guide me home, back to the dust of the earth and the breathe of the Spirit.

I hope you find a place of quiet regularly during this next six weeks. It is not as much about doing, but rather in being with the One. Quiet, still, thoughtful.

On the journey,
