Monday, June 11, 2012

Living An Uncommon Life

At the end of the sermon yesterday, I posed four questions as a homework assignment. There were:
*10 years from now who will you be? *What and who will be impacted by your uncommon life? *What is your bowl of stew? *What is going on in your life that you don't want others to know?
If we choose to live intentionally or by design, rather than where life takes us, then these questions become important so we do not migrate from the pathway. In putting together the sermon, I was struck by how much Esau lost(Genesis 25). I was surprised how sad I was. Esau endured the loss of respect from a father. He endured ridicule every time he was called Red. He lost the opportunity to do something uncommon by simply using a lack of judgment. The sadness translated to me thinking through poor choices in my life. I am continuing to think through the decisions that were common and easy; whereby losing the ability to lead an uncommon life. I am trying to understand my fears and appetites better. Being in the small group, Crave, has helped me to put my eating issues into God's hands. The accountability of the small group has allowed me to not trade my craving for God for something as simple as a sugary delight. I want to live intentionally- be it as a woman, a wife, a mother, a friend and a pastor. I would be curious to hear your answers to these questions on your journey. If you are a part of a small group or have a circle of friends, try posing one of the questions when you gather next. On the journey, Alecia

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