Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Insightful Questions

On Sunday, July 3, we took a break from the current sermon series and had a question and answer time in lieu of the message. We did not get to all of the questions posed. Today I want to look at the following question:

How do we stay positive about Jesus when we see all that goes against his teachings going on around us?

What a great question. Undoubtedly we have to take our cue from Jesus. He entered the world in a time of war and famine. Slavery, prostitution, classism, sexism and racial cleansing were issues in his time. I see Jesus as portrayed in the Gospels as doing several key things:

* Time to pray -- Prayer was as essential for Jesus as breathing. It kept him focused and centered on living out the Kingdom of God on earth.
*Time in worship-- Throughout the Gospels, we see worship is key for Jesus to live out his personal mission.
*Time in a small group--Jesus chose 12 and ultimately 3 to share key moments. He had a small group. We see the three present during the particularly challenging times.
*Proactive Response -- Jesus decided to live out his mission regardless of a world that seemed out of control.

We know Jesus agonized and prayed for those who followed him. Read John 17 to get a good understanding of how Jesus felt. We know he wept at the death of his friend and over the city of Jerusalem as well.

In a world filled with harshness and violence, we would do well to utilize these same principles. When I get discouraged, I read the stories of Jesus in the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. I have to remind myself that I am invovled in a greater story than simply my own.

On the journey,


1 comment:

  1. Perhaps we can keep in mind that God is in charge and God knows what to do. We cannot know God's plan.
    We need to keep doing as Jesus told us to do. PR
