Monday, January 16, 2012


As I continue to reflect on the Beatitudes, I am struck at how these simple words have such an impact on my daily life. I almost hesitate to work on this week's service in more detail. It seems that each time I look at a specific Beatitude that I always need to practice what I preach at some point during the week.

This past week I have reflected on those people whom I have hurt-- with my words and with my actions. Whether intentional or not doesn't seem to matter as much as attempting to right the wrong. I spent time journaling about those folks whom I perceived have wronged me. In looking back sometimes the words and actions were intentional, while at other times, I over-reacted. I am quickly reminded how I am not God. I remember grievances. I still have scar tissue from hurts. And for me, forgiveness is not a one step process. I must be a slow learner.

I know in my heart when I release my unresolved anger it is always good and life-giving. Why I hesitate is beyond me.

On the journey,


  1. this is a test message from Elaine. I plan to have the Jr High class post something tonight.

  2. What is a beatitude?
